The National Rifle Association (NRA) approves clubs to sponsor various matches.
NRA sanctions DCPA to hold New York State Championship matches, Regional matches, and monthly registered matches.
Participation in registered matches requires NRA membership, and state matches require membership to a State Rifle and Pistol Association, in addition to NRA membership.
A 2700 match consists of three 900 matches:
- 90 rounds with a .22 caliber pistol = 1 900 match
- 90 rounds with a Center Fire pistol = another 900 match
- 90 rounds with a .45 caliber pistol = the final 900 match
A competitor may elect to shoot any or all three 900 matches.
Shooting all three 900 matches constitutes a 2700 match.
A 900 match consists of shooting 90 rounds:
- 20 rounds Slow Fire (shot at 25 yards or 50 yards, as specified in the match program)
- 20 rounds Timed Fire at 25 yards (5 shots in 20 seconds)
- 20 rounds Rapid Fire at 25 yards (5 shots in 10 seconds)
- 30 rounds of National match Course (10 rounds of each of the Slow, Timed, and Rapid Fire)
For More Information:
Contact: Tom White
Phone: 914-563-7776
Email: 2700@dcpistol.org