The Dutchess County Pistol Association is a members only club and is not open to the public.
We offer several types of membership, each with a set of requirements that must be met in order to be accepted into the club.
Types of Membership
- Regular - Any US citizen who is authorized by permit or by authority to possess firearms.
- Junior - Those who are under the legal age to possess a pistol permit or under twenty years of age.
- Honorary - Those who have made outstanding contributions to the club's welfare or to the shooting sports.
- Life - Limited to 20% of the Regular members who become eligible, based on seniority and a one-time assessment.
- Non-Citizen - A citizen of a nation other than the US.
To apply for Regular Membership to DCPA, you must have:
- A valid New York State Pistol Permit or have the Authority of Office to possess firearms in NY.
- Successfully completed an NRA Certified Safety course (the safety course must conform to the NRA Pistol Training manual).
- Attend at least one monthly meeting (held the last Friday of the month in the clubhouse).
- Have paid the required dues and initiation fees.
- Completed and signed the Membership Application.
- After membership approval, attend the DCPA Range Orientation Class.
To apply for Junior Membership to DCPA, you must:
- Be twenty years of age or younger.
- Attend a safety course with a parent and/or guardian.
- Have paid the required dues and initiation fee.
- Have parents/guardians and potential junior member sign the Junior Membership application and waiver.
- Have parents/guardians identify who is responsible for the junior member while on the range (one parent/guardian required).
- Attend one meeting after approval to receive junior membership card.
- Parents or guardians of Junior Members are not required to be members.
- Parents or guardians of Junior Members are not required to have a pistol permit.
- To continue membership, when a junior member becomes 21 years of age or acquires a pistol permit, the junior member must become a regular member and abide by all DCPA regular-member requirements.
Click here for the Junior Membership Requirements Sheet (PDF)
For More Information:
Contact: Laura Underhill
Phone: (845) 297-4481
Email: members@dcpistol.org